take one step back from the "paadama" n ul c see the "Chuda Manikya"...works every wr ard Ruvanvali Mahasaya..try it nxt time.@Apura
think about this moment..time reaches infinity both forwards and backwards from it...considering that, this particular moment is infinitely small..therefore every point in time is infinitely small and some what meaningless...it applies to everything around it too.. that simply questions our place in this universe as per a time line is concerned............!!! you never know,this might be the best moment you ever had....:) so enjoy life!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
In Time 2011 : Movie that made me Think
back to the movie..people pay for coffee with TIME..a cup of coffee worth about 4 minutes..they earn TIME from wok not money...and the best part is people stop growing old when they are 25...so the Mother ,Father and Son have the same looks...
after 25 years they need to earn and live...till then the clock wont start clicking..rich people live for many years...may be more than 100..
Time makes people rich and they do any thing to get rich..i mean earn Time to live..
The story is about this system and how it works....taxes and living prices keep ricing so that people need to pay more time to live..when the TIME is up..they are gone ..just like in our world!
torrent link-
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The BBC, the Voice of America and the manipulation of, by and for Sarath Fonseka
US Ambassador - Patricia Butenis
The language he is supposed to have used in July 2009 is most interesting. In the web report about the Ambalangoda speech to which the Americans referred, he was quoted as saying ‘I managed the war like a true soldier. I did not make decisions from A/C rooms. I was under pressure to stop the war even during the final phase. I got messages not to shoot those who are carrying white flags. A war is fought by soldiers. They do so by putting their lives on the line. Therefore, the decisions about war should be taken by the soldiers in the battlefront. Not the people in A/C rooms in Colombo. Our soldiers have seen in life the kind of destruction carried out by those people before they decided to come carrying a white flag. Therefore, they carried out their duties. We destroyed any one connected with the LTTE. That is how we won the war,’ Fonseka said at an event held in Ambalangoda to felicitate him on July 10.’
Daily News 22 July 2011 – http://www.dailynews.lk/2011/11/22/fea02.asp
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Shame on You DailyMirror!!!
Its been a common site to see the non SL based media (like Maharaja) using the great King Dutugamunu's name to bug Mervin Silva.But most of the time those were indirect attacks rather than calling the guy directly from the Great Kings Name. Mervin never said to call him that but he bragged that he is been inherited.Mervin is certainly taking the media as a Joke and the guy needs to be on paper every day. That's a different story all together but, Today I came across the DM site and found this disgusting news which referrers to as "Dutugemunu in Lion city".
Certainly its a shame to call any one living today from the Great Kings name.If it wasn't him we might not be speaking the same language as we do today. I don't know about the writer of this post but i assume the guy has learned a little bit of English simply because the guy went to an International School and has no freaking seance about the History of Sri Lanka. And the editor must be a son of a Kalu Sudda. Government should ban the media from using former Kings names in order to give cheap publicity to their carpy news items.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Rare pictures of ceylon
Rare Pictures of Colonial Ceylon. Various Modes of Transport.
Boats were often constructed out of large trees.
These would be hollowed out in the center.
Rickshaw Operators at Victoria Park, Colombo.
Victoria Park in the middle of Colombo and was named in honour of Queen Victoria.
The fares for a rickshaw operators were calculated by time instead of distance.In 1907, to hire first class rickshaw in Colombo would cost roughly 1 cent a minute,
with a discount to 50 cents for 60 minutes.
Rickshaws drawn by 2 operators were more expensive, as was hiring a rickshaw in the evenings.
Tea in Transit to Wharf.
Bullock carts like the one shown here were normally used for carting coffee or rice.
These two-wheeled wagons were covered with plaited coconut leaves.
Boat Bridge over Kalani River at Grand Pass 1880's
Bullock Hackery.
Elephants Transporting a Boiler to Tea Factory.
Steam Engine at Matara Railway Station – 1895
Colombo Kandy Train - Crossing Bridge.
Colombo to Kandy Railway Line
Elephant at Work One of many duties by elephant. Here the elephant is pulling a plane.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Mervin And Kali
A Bloody Act!!!! |
They can call it rituals and carry on this bloody act.But as modern humans we should think whats best and drop what ever non-realistic acts. I am 100% with Mervin and if Mother Kali do punish the people who did this , then this Kovil should be banned from SL.
Although I am a Buddhist, I have visited the Munneswaram Kovil. I as a Buddhist thought that these shrines will have the same peace and harmony and the respect for humans and animals that we usually see in our temples. But the recent events have revealed the much stinking & filthy side of these shrines that we respected so much. I consider this as a bitter truth of the reality of such worshiped places. The filthy rituals are not only go against all our Buddhist principles but they also go against any ethical norms acceptable to the civilized world. I will never ever make my feet filthy again visiting these barbaric places in my remaining life time. This is a very good lesson to all of us Buddhists for associating with such non-Buddhist places.
Ref : http://adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=15003
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Meta Tags
Enter your pages into search engines (addressed in the next section)?? so that other people can find them, you will want to add Meta tags to your page.The two most common Meta tags let you specify a description and a set of keywords for the page, respectively, and you can also declare all sorts of other things. Meta tags always appear between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags of the HTML source.
an examples is given below,
<Meta Name="Description" Content="The index to over 50 fantastic 'HowStuffWorks' articles!">
<Meta Name="keywords" Content="how stuff works, how things work, the way things work, information, tutorials, explanation, explains, understand, understanding, tell me, students, teachers, study, educational">
<Meta http-equiv="PICS-Label" content='(PICS-1.1 "http://www.rsac.org/ratingsv01.html" l gen true comment "RSACi North America Server" for "http://www.howstuffworks.com" on "1998.09.23T01:29-0800" r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 0))'>
The first tag is a description for the page. Search engines use this text directly in their listings. If you don't have a description meta tag, then the search engine either leaves your description blank or uses the first sentence or two from your page.
The second tag indicates a set of extra keywords for the page. Search engines normally index every word on a page, but in many cases you will not use a certain word, in your actual text, that might be used by someone searching for your page. If you know that people frequently misspell a given word, then you might also put the misspelling in the keyword list.
The third tag is an RSAC rating tag. Here is a description of what the RSAC rating system does, taken from the RSAC Web site at www.rsac.org:
"The Recreational Software Advisory Council is an independent, non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C, that empowers the public, especially parents, to make informed decisions about electronic media by means of an open, objective, content advisory system. The RSACi system provides consumers with information about the level of sex, nudity, violence, offensive language (vulgar or hate-motivated) in software games and Web sites. To date, RSACi has been integrated into Microsoft's browser, Internet Explorer and MicroSystem's Cyber Patrol Software. CompuServe (US and Europe) has also committed to rate all its content with the RSACi system."
Some browsers are configured to block pages that are not rated, so by rating your site you avoid problems with those browsers. By rating your site with RSAC you also let people know exactly what kind of content you are providing. Once you've rated your site, you can apply this logo to your page:
There are a number of other tags you will commonly see if you look at the HTML source of other pages on the Web. Many HTML tools put in tags automatically. For example, here are two tags that Microsoft Word automatically applies to a page if you use Microsoft Word to create HTML:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Microsoft Word 97">
In all cases, meta tags do not affect the way your page displays in a browser. The description and keywords tags are the most commonly used.
More : http://static.howstuffworks.com/pdf/web-page-tags.pdf