Friday, October 14, 2011

Shame on You DailyMirror!!!

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     Its been a common site to see the non SL based media (like Maharaja) using the great King Dutugamunu's name to bug Mervin Silva.But most of the time those were indirect attacks rather than calling the guy directly from the Great Kings Name. Mervin never said to call him that but he bragged that he is been inherited.Mervin is certainly taking the media as a Joke and the guy needs to be on paper every day. That's a different story all together but, Today I came across the DM site and found this disgusting news which referrers to as "Dutugemunu in Lion city".
                                 Certainly its a shame to call any one living today from the Great Kings name.If it wasn't him we might not be speaking the same language as we do today. I don't know about the writer of this post but i assume  the guy has learned a little bit of English simply because the guy went to an International School and has no freaking seance about the History of Sri Lanka. And the editor must be a son of a Kalu Sudda. Government should ban the media from using former Kings names in order to give cheap publicity to their carpy news items.