to much drama abt the Dambulla Mosque issue on FB...mst ppl c it as a fault of the Buddist who protested against it....for those idiots who doesnt kw a bit of history ,this land in question belongs to da Rangiri Damubulu Temple from King Valagamba's one questions why they built a Mosque on that land n da cheap politicans behind it....who cld say that protesting against is wrong? the real ppl to accuse are da ppl who wanted to build this on a sacred land...briefly : asking for dhal
Don D
think about this moment..time reaches infinity both forwards and backwards from it...considering that, this particular moment is infinitely small..therefore every point in time is infinitely small and some what applies to everything around it too.. that simply questions our place in this universe as per a time line is concerned............!!! you never know,this might be the best moment you ever had....:) so enjoy life!