Sunday, April 17, 2016

What is Power?

I got the idea of writing this piece after I watched the film Batman was Super Man. Basically the story line spins around super man been brought to courts...wait courts?

Ok.. this is deep ... court is the highest point in democracy ....where power is handed over to the judge to order. It has no link to god or any other religion ... these are over and above the democracy ....ok wait a minute.. now who gave power to the judge ? its the system.. 

now who is super man? he has all the powers .. infact super natural powers.. who gave him that? not the system .. not the people ... so can he brought to court for using those? 

ok this has been in my mind for 2 days now.. kind of wired...

lets take politics in to account... people ask for vote to get elected... when they get elected those guys get power to do stuff... it is close to a super man in real life... now who actually gave the power ? its the people...lots of people have kept faith .. so that is power... but why do they ask for power on the first place? coz they are not supper man.. they dont have super powers if the people did not provide it for them....

lets fgt about super heros for can a normal man get supper powers..

I feel its the attraction or the respect shown towards some one is his power.... if millions like him.. then hes a supper man...

#power #superman #mythinking #somethingtothink

Monday, March 7, 2016

Holding Hands in Independence Square

Kind of surprised to see a Web movement reaching to this level .. shows what the FB can do without the support of any national media... frankly I think if this vedio was broadcasted in a local media channel then this might this big of an issue ...

It's high time the government should introduce a act on fb posts ... people should not be allowed to post any thing that they cannot take responsibility ..likewise politicians cannot comment any thing by hiding behind the Parliament benefits if they cannot take responsibility ... As we saw ...These false comments from politicians and fb posts were powerful enough to change to course of a country last year ...