Thursday, August 26, 2010

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Sri Lanka News-Adaderana-Truth First - Controversial rites?

How PRABHAKARAN met his death :KP Speaks out

 How PRABHAKARAN met his death :KP Speaks out(Exclusive Videos of KP visiting the IDP camps with a delegation of senior diaspora)

Written By Daily Mirror | 2010-08-25 01:15:20

Q: What happened finally to your plan of rescuing Prabhakaran and his family by helicopter? Why did the plan not take off?

 It�s a very sad story
After Prabhakaran�s son Charles Anthony   asked me to rescue his family members by air I devised a plan and made preliminary arrangements. I arranged for a ship to be kept waiting at a far �off port beyond the reach of the Sri Lanka navy. I also made arrangements to buy a second-hand helicopter from an Ukrainian contact.

The idea was for one or two trained pilots from the LTTE�s airwing �Vaan Puligal� to fly into the Wanni. If Prabhakaran was willing ,the family except for Charles Anthony were to be flown out. If the leader was unwilling then he and a few other of his bodyguards and senior leaders were to be flown by the copter and dropped off in a jungle location in Lanka.

 Afterwards the heli would fly out to the ship with Prabhakaran�s wife Madhivadhani, daughter Thuwaraga and younger son Balachandran and perhaps a few others. I would be waiting for them at the ship. Thereafter I planned to keep the family safely in one of three countries. Perhaps in rotation.

Q: Were these countries ready to accept the family? Were they western  nations?
  No, they were not countries in the west. Two were in Africa and one in Asia. I had been in touch with senior govt officials of these countries through my representatives. When I had sounded them out on this matter they were willing.
Q: The plan itself was rather risky? Were you confident of it succeeding?
  Yes, it was risky but I was ready to carry it out. We had no choice. If we didn�t risk it, the alternative was certain death. I also had a secret hope that Prabhakaran may agree at the last minute and opt to fly out. So I devised the plan. The key element was surprise. If the first stage was successful we may have tried further flights too to rescue others.
Q:  But then what went wrong?
 It never worked out. It required about 1.5 million US dollars to implement the plan. I did not have that kind of money. The LTTE overseas structure had to give me the money. Castro had promised Charles Anthony that Nediyavan in Norway will transfer the necessary funds to me. But he never did it.
 I made repeated requests that it was urgent and time was running out. I would be told, �the money is coming, money is coming�. But sadly it never came.
Also Nediyavan was in touch with Atchuthan the Air wing chief living abroad. Earlier he had agreed to provide the required LTTE pilots for the operation. But then suddenly acting perhaps under Nediyavan�s orders he stopped communicating with me. I was really frantic. I approached mercenary pilots to fly the helicopter but nothing further could be done without necessary funds.
And then in mid-May the Sri Lankan army launched a three �pronged offensive and boxed off the  Valainjermadam- Mullivaaikkaal- Vattuvaahal area. After that it was too late to attempt a helicopter rescue. So with great sorrow I abandoned the plan. I was furious with Nediyavan and Castro but helpless to do anything.
Q: And within days all were dead?
Yes. They were all dead. The whole family was gone. I was extremely sad at Balachandran�s death. He was only 12 years old. I had never seen the boy in person but when he was a child I used to talk to Prabhakaran frequently. This boy would be on his lap and Prabhakaran would often give the phone to him saying �Intha KP Mamavode kathai�(Here, talk to KP uncle) So I would chat with him. Later I lost touch with the boy but I was apparently still  existing in his memory.
 When the war escalated and shelling increased the boy was very frightened. Later when Charles asked me to arrange for an aerial rescue and I started working on the plan , young Balachandran had been told not to worry and that  he would be going to KP uncle soon. The little fellow had then put some of his belongings in a small bag and  had been carrying it around with him all the time saying �Naan KP Mamata poren.� ( I am going to KP uncle)
Sometimes in my thoughts, I visualize Balachandran with his bag telling people that he was going to KP Mama and waiting for a rescue that never  took place. When I think of that I get so sad and angry at Nediyavan for obstructing the plan.
Q: Why did he do that?
I really don�t know but it must have been on Castro�s instructions. They did not want KP to get credit I think. But this was really a symptom of what had gone wrong in the LTTE. Individuals were letting their petty jealousies and divisions affect the overall good of the movement and struggle.
Q: You are sure about the entire family being killed? There are stories spread by sections of the Tamil Diaspora and Tamil Nadu politicians that  Prabhakaran is alive and Madhivathani is alive and so on? What do you say?
These types of tales are spread by some for their selfish motives and others believe them because they don�t want to accept emotionally that it is over.
Q:  But you don�t have first �hand knowledge of this?
 Obviously no! But I was in touch with Soosai till the last stages. I have also heard about these matters from official sources. Most importantly I saw Prabhakaran�s body on TV.
Q: But these people disputing it say it was  not his body?
 Utter nonsense. When I saw the TV image I immediately knew it was Prabhakaran. I was so upset that I cut myself off from people and spent hours alone crying, reflecting and meditating.
Q: One of the reasons for this confusion was due to yourself also. When Prabhakaran�s death reports surfaced you announced to the media that it was not so and that he was  alive in a safe location. Subsequently you went back on that denial. This action eroded your credibility greatly and  provides ammunition to your critics. Why this flip-flop? Can you explain?
 Yes, I will be happy to explain. What happened was that Prabhakaran ,Pottu Amman and some others broke out clandestinely in one group and moved through the lagoon and coast. Two other groups also moved out in different directions. The idea was to reach the jungles safely.
 Reconnaissance missions done earlier showed that  the soldiers were in three layers around the encircled area. Soosai with whom I was interacting  was informed that Praba and Pottu had broken through all three layers. After that there was no communication. We both assumed that  the leader had reached a safe place and predictably cut off communication to avoid being monitored. It was after this that I issued the statement about silencing our arms. I did this in consultation with Soosai. I was using this statement as a basis to accelerate peace initiatives and come to an arrangement where the remaining people could be saved. Nadesan and Pulidevan from another location were also engaged in negotiations. It was the earlier, information  received by me that Prabhakaran had broken through the  military layers that gave me the  belief that he had reached safety. It was this confidence that made me dismiss reports of Prabhakaran�s death and state that he was safe. Also the first  media report about Prabakharan being dead was in relation to the ambulance escape. That report was false. Prabhakaran was not in an ambulance
 But shortly before I lost contact with Soosai the sea Tiger chief  surprised me by saying that Prabhakaran could not break through and had returned. Soosai said that he was only a few hundred yards away from the place he was in. Soosai said that the break out attempt had failed and Prabhakaran had returned without Pottu Amman. He could not give me any more information other than that ,except to say the fighting was really fierce. A little later I lost contact with Soosai.
 Some time later I saw Prabhakaran�s body on TV and immediately realised it was all over.
 But I must emphasize that my earlier statement denying Prabhakaran�s death  and subsequent statement  confirming it were  both given with all honesty. I did not intend to mislead anyone. I made them on the basis of the information available at that time. People must remember that fighting was going on and communication was difficult. They say �Porin moodupani�(fog of war) about war situations where people get wrong information about the situation.